Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Marketing Plan

Last year at Bead and Button my friends did an intervention.  I think it went something like this ...."We want to talk to you about your marketing plan".  I started laughing because I haven't had anything up on Etsy for a couple years. Since December I've been putting items up on Etsy and I now have 22 pieces.  That is big for me.

I am constantly working on improving the photography.  For right now I have a rhythm going. I stopped taking pictures at night using lights.  Instead I am taking them during the day taking advantage of our corner windows in the dining area.  Because I work this limits the days I can take pictures to Saturday and Sunday.  And the timing is critical.  I shoot in the morning before the sun comes streaming through the windows.

One of these days I need to switch from my little point and shoot to Lou's DSLR. step at a time.

Here are a few of things that I have on my Etsy site.


  1. Absolutely stunning pieces. I am in awe. I wish I could buy it all. I can't believe how strongly I respond to your pieces. Beautiful work.

  2. Thanks Suz!! I appreciate the compliments!!

  3. Wow i am amazed by your work you really have a beautiful pieces of jewelry.
