Saturday, March 14, 2015

Great Books

I picked up a couple of books in the last few weeks.  The first is "Senufo: Unbound".  This book is the show catalog to the exhibition, "Senufo: Art and Identity in Western Africa" at the Cleveland Museum of Art.  It is a large book and has 287 pages filled with photos from the exhibition.  It provides amazing inspiration.  You can get it now at the CMA book store or pre-order on Amazon.  If you can't make it to the exhibition, the book is the next best thing.

The other book has been around for a long time but I finally picked it up.  "The History of Beads" is also a large book with 396 pages. I've been wanting this for a while.  I am going to enjoy reading about the beads I have been collecting for so long.

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