The beaded pieces are designed by me. The glass beads are made by some very wonderful glass artists...Donna Mehnert (bracelet) Melanie Moertel (necklace). You can find their links under My Favorite Glass Artists. I think the pics turned out nice. I hope they help get me in to more art shows.
I've also been playing with the different templates for this blog. I liked the old one...but when I saw someone else's blog with the same template it made me realize that it was way too much green. So now I have a simpler template. I also figured out how to get notified if someone leaves a comment. I'm lucky I can find time to blog...don't expect me to know how the program works :)) And as you now realize...I don't know how to insert those really cutsy smiley faces. I'm still using keystrokes :o Sorry if I've never responded to one of your comments.
Amy from C'est la me... volunteered to recommend restaurants in Paris and even mentioned a bead shop in the 4th arrondissement. I definetely need to get in touch with her. Beads from Paris!!! I want to go to a flea market when I am there. People think I'm nuts going all the way to Paris and sending time in a flea market.....but I want to branch into some found object jewelry and I think going to a French flea market would be fun.
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