Oh...wait....they're awake.....Let the Fun Begin!!!!!!!
I'll end up spending almost the entire 3-day weekend working on the jewelry. Plus I need to pack up my tools and get things ready for Bead and Button. I drive out a week from Saturday. It will be here and gone in a flash.
Does anyone have a way to slow time down??? I'm stressing a little...OK alot. It just seems like there is so much on my plate right now that I am not staying in the moment but thinking forward to mid-July when I will have finished my last summer show and can relax a little. I think I need to identify things to cut out so I'm not so stressed. I don't really need to sleep...that might help. I have already cut out doing most housework....heaven forbid somebody just drops by. There is clean laundry on the living room floor waiting to be folded and dirty laundry on the bedroom floor waiting to be put in the washing machine. Actually what I really should cut out is blogging....but I hate to do that.
Oh well...gotta fold the towels laying on the floor. Bye for now.
Here are a few pieces I finished this week.
This is a medallion I made to go with the beads that Ellen Dooley sent me. Her beads and the color of the medallion go together very well. It looks even better in person.
This is a piece I have been thinking about for a long time. Not because the shape is anything unique...but the design is from a ancient Parisii coin. The coin dates make to 2nd century BC when a Celt tribe lived on Ile de la Cite in the middle of the Seine. Here is a picture of the ancient coin.
This piece came out of the kiln with amazing colors. When you fire a load in the kiln, the colors you obtain and their placement is purely chance.....on this piece it was serendipitious.
Last but not least....Sophie wanted to get in on the act. Not happy that I wasn't paying attention to her.....she climbed in my light tent.
Some of the other pieces that I have been working on this past week. I've made some medallions to go with the beads Ellen sent me. I used the tear-aways that I made a couple months ago. I'm getting ready to make more using some of the Scribbler designs.
I made a pendant and used strips of clay to section it off. I like the look it gives.
Another piece from the molds I made a few weeks ago. This is the last in the set of drawer pulls I picked up in Tucson.
A square box. It has a font on one side and a replica of an ancient coin on the other. A few miscellaneous pieces for earrings.
It's from the Museum of Cylcadic Art The piece is from the Early Bronze II period 2700-2300 BC. Below is a description
Schematic figurine from western Anatolia, representing the human figure in a highly abstract way. It belongs to the so-called "Kusura" type and is strongly reminiscent of Cycladic schematic figurines (especially the spade- and violin-shaped ones) not only because of its material but also because of the flat profile and the overall shape. During the Early Bronze Age, marble was used extensively for the manufacture of figurines of flat profile not only in the Aegean but all over the eastern Mediterranean.
My piece looks nothing like this......but that's the cool part about using something as inspiration. You start out with this shape in mind and end up someplace totally different.
Gotta run...I've have pics later.
Au Revior Bye-Bye