Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Window Shopping in Santa Fe

Lots of pictures tonight.  Two of the greatest things about Santa Fe is window shopping and gallery hopping.  I've always described roaming around the town as a mix between a great shopping trip and a visit to the art museum.

You can see everything there...from traditional Christmas windows to the truely bizzare. 



 Beautiful beaded necklaces....

 Fantastical The Chalk Farm.  If you get to Santa Fe you have to visit The Chalk Farm.  The specialize in visionary and surrealistic art.  Michael Parkes has always been a favorite but I'm in love with Vladamir Kush.  Amazing work...

 And a visit to the back lot at Seret and Sons to look at the architechtural pieces.  There are signs to not take pictures.  But I can't help myself...

 Ah....could it be....a strap and rivets holding two pieces of a door together

 Why....there is a whole door of them...hmmmm... 



 Cool sculptures by Chris Turri.  He makes these large outside sculptures and a whole series of wall hangings...

 Olive Oil in a casket at the Pop Gallery....

 Junker Jane dolls.  I loved these.  Lou thought they were ugly.  That's the point!!...

 African Tribal art.....these scare me...

 Rabbit creche scenes at the Davis Mather Fok Art Gallery...

 Something a little more risque...

 Tribal Art.....

 Space ships.....

 A purrrfect Star Liana York sculpture...

 Jewelry from Ortega' favorite jewelry store...

and let's not forget the Christmas lizard!!!


  1. wow !!! Everything is so beautiful !!
    I want to visit Santa Fe one day !!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great pictures!!! You DID have a good time!!!!

  3. Okay, the tribal art scared you but the rabbit creche didn't??!? That rabbit creche is positively creepy! Great pics - makes me want to go back there!
