Monday, December 20, 2010

Pictures of Santa Fe

Back from a long weekend in Santa Fe. We thought we might escape the snow but a storm came through as we arrived.  I think we brought the snow with us.  The drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe was an adventure in itself.  About 15 minutes out of ABQ, it started to snow and only got worse the further north we went.  Our average speed was 25.  It took about 2 hours to make a drive that normally takes about 45 minutes.  We were glad to get to the hotel. 

We dropped our luggage off and ran out to play in the snow.  Santa Fe is beautiful in the snow and it snowed all night. 

 The main square

 Columns wrapped with pine roping and covered with snow

 The gazebo in the square

A Bill Worrell Deer Shaman.  That big white orb is not the moon.  Its a snow flake...a very cool snow flake. 

We both love Worrell's work and stop in to look at his new pieces every year.  This year we did more than look.  We bought the one above.  He usually does bucks.  This one is a doe...a shamaness.  I can't wait to get her.  She is engraved on the back with a poem he wrote about her and the date and time she was complete.

Of course no trip to Santa Fe would be complete without dinner at The Shed.  This was our first dinner in Santa Fe.  I had been thinking about this meal for weeks.....guacamole and chips, cheese enchiladas, tacos, pinto beads, posole...oh...posole, and red and green chile.  All topped off with a hot fudge sundae...with homemade fudge sauce. 

I'm hungry!!! 


  1. Love the artwork! I'm so glad you had a good time!

  2. I love the wide array of photos you have on your blog!
    Happy Holidays!

  3. What a great trip! The pictures of SF in snow are marvelous! I especially like the gazebo... very cool. And I'm SO jealous of your Worrell purchase!! She's just gorgeous!! Glad you're home safe and sound, too.
