Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm ready for Show #2....kinda

The boxes are packed and ready to go. Tomorrow morning Lou and I will set up the tent. He has a meeting he has to go to first and then we will set up the tent. He will go back to work and I will go home to put together some last minute items.

I've been set up at the dining room table since I came back from B&B. Cris refers to my bench as the "workbench of chaos. I don't know why...... And if you think that's bad you should see the rest of the house.

And it's suppose to be a lovely weekend.... 80s on Friday with a 40% chance of thunderstorms. 30% chance of rain on Saturday and windy. WOO HOO....and I"ll be in a tent all weekend. The show is on the grounds of a private school, so if really bad weather last year.... we can all take shelter in the school.

I got my replacement Blackberry today. I was without it since B&B. Actually I didn't miss it that much. I use it more for e-mail than as a phone. As most my friends know....I don't talk on the phone much. I have some aversion to it...I don't know why...probably the hermit in me.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope the weather forcasters are TOTALLY wrong and you have a glorious weekend!!! In any case, have fun! ;-)
