Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I should be packing....

I should be going through my boxes and packing for the show on Friday but I'm sitting here like a vegetable. I stayed up till 2AM this morning and then got up at 8AM to go to work. What was I thinking?? Sunday will be my first day off in three weeks. I have been on the go every since Bead and Button with no break. I'm the type of person that needs quiet, alone, me time....and a good 10 hours of sleep. That has not been in the schedule these past weeks. Sunday is my first day off and I plan to have a good long sleep.

OK. I'm off to reorganize at least one box for the show.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


  1. good luck gail! i hope the show is a huge success for you.

    you'll catch up on rest and quiet time. i've been lazy since i got home from b+b. sorta kinda working but mostly hanging out and enjoying my family and nice weather.

    miss you, love you!

  2. Good luck at HB!! Stay in bed all day Sunday - make Lou wait on you. ;-) The kitties will love it - they'll snuggle in with you!
