Monday, November 24, 2008

I wish I could go to Tucson....

I have used up all my vacation time at work and need to work out a deal with my boss to use some of my 2009 vacation so I can go to Chicago with Lou next week. But if I did have vacation I'd be heading to Tucson for the Gem Show in February. I haven't yet had the chance to go to this show but I'm sure it is mind-numbing to travel around to the various shows and see all the beads, gems, and what-not. But most of allI would love to go to Anne and Gail's Patina and Metals Workshop. Check it out if you are going to be there or even have an inkling that you might go to the Gem Show. Anne makes my short list of "Best Teachers" and will be receiving Bead and Button's Bead Excellence in Bead Artistry Award at the conference in June 2009. Gail is this amazing and creative artist that just seems to do it all. To say her work is beautiful is and understatement. They are both great people that I love to hang out with so I'm sure the class is going to be awesome.

I spent a long weekend in Tucson with Anne and Cris in August and it was such a great time to just hang with the girls and work side-by-side at Anne's house. I was thinking about that weekend today and I miss them both.

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