Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

to all of you. We spent the day at George and Sue's house. Sue cooked an amazing meal for about 20 people. All Lou's kids were there along with one of the grandchildren...Matty. Jason and Magaly announced that they are pregnant. It was good to spend the day together. We ended up playing Wii. I am hooked. I think we need to get one. I can see why they put straps on the controllers. It would be real easy to accidentally let go of it and send it crashing into the TV. I hope you all had a peaceful day surrounded by family and friends.

I am trying to design a logo picture. Here are a couple of my first attempts. Which one do you like??

Number 1

Number 2
I work Friday and then we are off to Chicago Saturday for Lou's conference. He is in meetings and dinners for the entire trip so I am virtually on my own except when he gets back from dinner. Most of the Lou's peers are stunned that I don't have a problem with being alone and most say their wives wouldn't put up with this.....but I like being on my own so I'm fine with it. Besides...he is there on business and it gives me an opportunity to sleep in, stroll around the city, window shop, museum hop....especially museum hop. I love the art museum and the natural history museum. There is an Aztec exhibit that I want to see and hopefully find some more patterns for texture sheets.


  1. They are both great, but I like #2 better than #1.
    Have fun in the Windy City! Window shopping should be fun with all the stores decorated for Christmas. And museum hopping is always fun, especially the gift shop. ;-)

  2. I agree ... I like # 2 best and I too think you should try black text. I think it would make more of an impact :)

  3. Definitely #2. The texture shows up really well. Are you ever going to put metal pieces in your etsy store? Your work is wonderful!
