Sunday, June 21, 2015

Bead and Button

I finally had a chance to go through my photos and stash from Bead and Button.  How can it seem so long ago?  I have been working my butt off in my day job...which has turned into a day and night job.  
But this weekend I took a break.  We went to the Summer Solstice at the Cleveland Museum of Art last night...always a good time.  Ran into a number of people from work. 

And today I decided to go through my B&B stash and photos. B&B is always a whirlwind.  Between teaching classes and spending time with friends.  It goes so fast. 

The first stop is always the Calderone Club for great pasta and fried eggplant...which is heaven!!

Karen, Paul, and Cris...smilling because they've had eggplant!!

Then on to the business of teaching.  We taught a metal clay class and a couple of twisted bracelets classes, and a fabrication class. 

Metal clay samples from class

Students hard at work
Twisted wire

Bracelets made with the twisted wire

Everyone gathering for show and tell

Show and tell.  These ladies made a lot!!
Another mandatory dinner is Mader's.  Great German food.  And a picture in the massive chair they have. 
YiYi and Cris
Then on to the business of shopping.  Funny...I am drawn to the same things every year. I guess that's not a bad thing. 



Lots of etched agate

Love this print block

Lapis.  These chucks are gorgeous

Wood beads inlaid with silver.  They make great accent beads.

A table full of trade beads.  My version of heaven!!

Serious discussion about beads?

Shell...called hippos teeth because of the shape.

Bronze accent beads

Carved Lapis

Dinosaur bone...yes...dinosaur bone.  Aren't these great?!!

Gary Wilson stones!!

Arthuro and YiYi with Billy Gardell from Mike and Molly. We always seem to see someone famous when we are in Milwaukee.

Goodbye Milwaukee...see you next year!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for the pictures and show and tell of your great finds. Its nice for all of us in blog land who have dreamed of attending Bead and Button and never made it. The results from your classes was impressive. Gaspeite is one of my seldom seen favorites.
