Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sorting the Bead Stash....

Spring is never the time I clean the studio.  January is usually the time this works best.  There are no shows and all the holiday obligations are over.  I've had this very large basket of beads in the studio.  Over the past year, every time I bought something it went into the basket.

Today I emptied it out on the floor.  Ben was impressed.  You can see it in his eyes. This pile is 5" deep in the center.

So I started to sort them out by color.  I hang the beads on hooks on the wall above my assembly bench.  I decided....I need more hooks!!
Sophie decided to hide in the corner while I was going this.
Browns, blacks, wood, ceramic, bone
I still have greens, blues, roman glass, oranges/reds to sort through.  I'm really going to need more hooks. 


  1. i love seeing what other people buy .
    so different then me . thanks for the show and tell .

  2. Nice stash!!!! I'm ling over those beads, what an excellent selection.
