Saturday, November 23, 2013

Santa Fe is always a good idea....

Last weekend we were in Santa Fe with Tony and LaVette (Lou's uncle and aunt).  We had a great time.  We stayed at La Fonda...which is wonderful.  The rooms have gone through a renovation and they are lovely.
We had a small sitting room off the bedroom
The restaurant is surrounded on all sides by these painted windows. 

The fireplace.  We always end up here at the end of the day.
The stores in Santa Fe are interesting...expensive...but interesting.  Shiprock is a great store on the plaza.  They have gorgeous Navajo rugs and a huge collection of jewelry.

This was stunning.  Of course you don't put these rugs on the floor.

There were a few here that I wanted...OK...I wanted them all.

Another room of gorgeous rugs.

And the jewelry!!  I've been playing with the panorama function on the iPhone.

Overland Sheepskin Co. has the most amazing coats....and some pretty cool hats.  This time it wasn't me modeling the hats. Steampunk mode.
Cowboys and Indians had these great tables that were inlaid with turquoise. 

We went into the Torres gallery to look at the Robert Rivera gourds.  These are amazing.
I didn't catch what he calls these....I call them Worm Warriors.

Turtle Gourd.

1 comment:

  1. Lou looks like the Mad Hatter! ;-)
    Beautiful hotel, beautiful shops. Got to get back to Santa Fe one of these days!
