Monday, September 16, 2013

Pulling Back....

Work seems to be sucking the life out of me lately.  By the time I get home I don't want to do anything.  And it seems like I have an endless list of things to the the house.

So, I've made a decision.  I'm not going to do any art shows for the rest of the year.  Maybe for next year too.  I dropped out of one show this November and decided not to apply to another in December.  It seemed like when I did get into the studio it was to prep for a show and I was making the same old thing over and over.  I didn't have the time or energy to play with new designs or new materials.  So the pressure is off.  I don't have to be in the studio for anything.  This could be a good thing...or bad. 

Part of my time I want to spend remodeling the house.  We ripped up the carpet in the bedroom last weekend.  That was a horrible, horrible job.  The carpet was ancient and the padding underneath was starting to disintegrate.  Besides the pain of pulling out nails and staples, we had to get on our hands and knees and scrape up this gummy brown stuff. 

We ended up spraying Goo Gone on the entire floor and scraping it up and then cleaning it.  The floor isn't too bad.  Most of it looks good but there are some problem spots.  The next step is to get the floors refinished.  The entire house is hardwood so this is going to be a long term project. Oh Boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. barbarabriggsdesigns.comSeptember 17, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    Gail, I doubt you'll regret taking an hiatus from shows. Preparing for them does drain energy and creativity when you have to make a conscious effort to produce in a price range that will sell plus make a huge selection of work to fill a booth. Taking a breather is good for you and eliminating the pressure will give you time to explore creatively. I stopped doing shows fifteen years ago and have never had the urge to do one since!
