Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm not getting a damn thing done....

What the hell???  January is half over and I'm not getting anything done.  The weekend went like this....every weekend seems to go something like this.

On Saturday I went home to spend time with mom.  I've been going every Saturday.  She is recovering from a knee replacement.  She and my brother Ed had lunch ready when I got there.  We ate, Ed did the dishes while I did the wash and cleaned up the house.  We then drove out to Ed's house....Mom drove...first time since surgery.  Went to the farm so I could do some "american picking" in the old tool shed.  Back to Mom's house to finish the wash.  Left Mom's.  On the way home stopped at Target and the grocery store.  Made Jamabalya for a pot luck on Sunday.  Made dinner for Lou and I.  Finally sat down around 9pm and gift-wrapped a bunch of books for the potluck.  I think I finally had some time to myself about 10pm.

Today I went to the grocery store to pick up some bowls and spoon for the potluck, forgot to pick up some pop so I stopped at the gas station.  Drove over to Chargin Falls...40 minute drive for the Guild meeting and potluck.  Spent 3 hours there.  On the way I was so caught up in my thoughts that I missed switching freeways.  Got home and had to clean up the disaster that was my living room and kitchen.  Finally sat down around 10pm. I need a weekend to recover from my weekend. 

Some pictures from the farm. This is the farm house I grew up in...without the big building behind it.  Most years, that was a corn field.

The old combine out in the woods.  My brother is going to get someone to haul it away.  I told him I wanted some of the metal from it before it goes.
Close-up of some of the pieces-parts on it.
Rusted chain and gears anyone??  I brought some back with me :)

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