Thursday, May 31, 2012

Final Count Down to Bead and Button

Tools for the Master Class (cat butt not included)....Check

But I do need to throw in vice grips.  I'm talking the forging class and I don't really need to bring's all being provided.  So I have a pair of gloves, magnifying lenses, and some scrap silver for pouring an ingot.

Supplies for teaching.....Check

Complete with snacks for the can't make jewelry without chocolate and other various forms of suger.

Jewelry and supplies for Meet the Teachers....Check

A bunch of pieces parts that I will be selling as well as made jewelry.  

All the stuff for a table display at Meet the Teachers.   It's a good thing that I am driving as there is no way I could transport this stuff without a car

And Clothes......UGH.....I have been trying to find a pair of jeans that fit.  I ripped the backside out of my favorite pair (we won't say how) and it has been an ordeal finding a pair that fits.  Lou doesn't seem to know what the problem is....since I claim I invented pants....he tells me to just invent a new ass.  Why is it so hard for companies to make jeans that fit women???.  There is a store that I usually get them from and they fit perfect...but they aren't selling jeans right now....they are selling capris since it's summer.  So I have tried on jeans and ordered jeans from just about every viable source.  There are 4 pair in my bedroom right now that I have to send back because they just don't fit right.  If they fit in the legs they don't fit it the waist and vice-versa.  I found a pair of Levi's that fit but I washed them once and the zipper won't stay up.  I can wear these as long as everyone is OK with me walking around with my fly open.  I really need to take them back to the store. 

I also have a very lovely satchel from Frye that I have to send back.  Lou bought it for me for my birthday and they sent it without the sholder strap.  Their customer service has been a bit wanting.  They don't really seem all that interested in helping me.  They told me to fill out a form and send it back to them.....and that I could use either UPS or FedEx....REALLY.  WOW....I get to send a defective product back to FRYE at my expense.  When I sent them an e-mail about this I was told they could print me a label but they have to wait for their mailroom to shut down at the end of the day and it may take 48 hours to get it to me.   WTF???  This has been dragging on since last Saturday.  I finally got the return label today.  I can have them send a replacement but I'm really not that happy with them right now so I don't know if I want to give them my money.  If I had ordered this through a store like Nordstom's....I would already have a replacement.  Every other company just sends return labels with your order....wake up FRYE!!

But I digress.....Tonight I ran to Costco to pick up snacks for the trip and chocolate for the students. And the rest of the night will be packing.  I need to run to the bank on Friday so I have some money for the cash box. 

And I am surprisingly calm through all this chaos...well....except for my rant about Frye....and the jeans


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