Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bead & Button Show....23 days to go!!!

Wow....It's only 23 days until Bead and Button.  THE show of the year.  This year will hold at least two "firsts".  The first of the "firsts" is a Master's Class.  Cris and I are taking Tim McCreight's Forging Class.  We are going to learn about metal structure, about different types of hammers and what they do, we will pour an ingot, and use chisels.  The class is 3 days and at the end we have a dinner with all the master classes, instructors, and some of the Bead and Button, Bead Style, and Art Jewelry editorial staff.  Cool!!

The second "first" is that Cris and I are teaching...which you probably know already.  We have 3 classes.  We are going to have a lot of fun!!! 

Hope to see you there!!!


  1. How exciting!!!!! Be sure to write all about it. We'll be waiting!!!! Have fun!

  2. I'm looking forward to taking your Metal Etching 101 class on the 6th! Super excited to meet you both!

  3. Hi Kumi, Can't wait to meet you. Class is going to be fun!!
