It's a cute book about the size of the moleskine I keep in my purse...I love moleskine's. And it's printed on glossy graph paper.....I love graph paper. I know....I'm a nerd. When I was in college I loved to take notes on graph paper. So without even looking at the contents of this book I was in love.
I had heard about the Ring a Day project. This is a 250+ page collection of some of those rings...obviously 700 of them. There are pictures...lots of pictures... on every page with a few quotes from the artists on their designs. There is lots of inspiration in this book. Some of the rings are fabulous, some are unusual and some are just weird...LOL. But when you've challenged yourself to make a ring a day... no matter what.... sometimes you grab the twist tie off the bag of bread and get to work.
One of my favorite jewelry artists...Sara Westermark...has work in this book and some of my metal clay Facebook friends...Lorena Angulo, Angela Crispin and Lora Hart.
This is going to be a book I'm going to pick up again and again.... write and draw in the margins....put sticky notes in.... and get tons of inspiration. Making rings has been one of my goals so maybe this book will help me take those first few steps.
I wonder if I am in there. I was involved in the first few months but then I just stopped. I'll have to try and find a copy.