Monday, May 17, 2010
A couple weeks ago I made tear-aways but have yet to use them. Most were tribal excpet for the Japanese Kanji characters. Lou gave me a Valentine's card with these characters on them. They are Partner, Lover, Friend....which really says it all about Lou and I.
How cool is this!!!....a pocket wire gauge with it's own little leather pouch. You can throw it in your purse or in a pocket. What girl doesn't need a pocket sized wire gauge tool??? You know....if you empty my purse don't necessarily get girly type things. You are more likely to find a few pairs of pliers, a wire gauge, and on a good day...a hammer or two.
My chain from our fusing class with Anne Mitchell. I've been texturing it. I still have half the necklace to go. I keep trying to get to this but when I have a chance to do's late at night and Lou has already gone to bed. Maybe he won't hear me hammering....what do ya think???
how do you use the tearaways?