My friend Karen sent me a list of phrases to use on my trip to Paris. Check it out...... The last one is for Anne...I kinda burned a patch in the classroom carpet at B&B with a hot piece of sheet metal.
1-Où sont les outils ? = Where are the tools?
2-Où sont les marteaux de Fretz ?= Where are the Fretz hammers?
3-Avez-vous des perles ?= Do you have any beads?
4-Je t'aime plus que mon bagage= I love you more than my luggage
5-Mes pieds sont fatigués de tous ces musées= My feet are tired from all these museums
6-J'ai besoin d'une bière et d'un cheeseburger= I need a beer and a cheeseburger
7-Mon par la carte de crédit fume= My credit card is smoking
8-Gâteau ? ou la mort ?= Cake? or Death?
9-Où sont les salles de dames ?= Where are the ladies rooms?
10-Je pense que j'ai brûlé un trou dans votre tapis. Désolé.= I think I burned a hole in your carpet. Sorry. need to tell me how to say...."Keep you hands off my Fretz hammers".
And my friend Cris started her own blog......although she didn't tell me about it. I stumbled upon it through a link on Karen's site......Harumph!!!
I have a load in the tomorrow.
Yes I did sweetie! I've emailed you twice in the last week about it! I thought you were busy or, gasp!!!, ignoring me. Check your email!