Monday, June 4, 2007

Bead and Button---Day 2

I'm taking a class with Celie Fago called Polymer Inlay PMC Pendant. It's a great class and the pendant ROCKS!!! It started yesterday and goes until Monday. She is such a fantastic teacher. Chris (who I met last year) is also in the class with me. I ran into Kristin who was in one of my classes last year. I stopped in to say "Hello" to Susan Lenart Kazmer. She is teaching right next to my classroom. She is so much fun.

Chris, Paul (her husband) and I helped Anne Mitchell and Kate McKinnon set up their classroom last night and then went out for dinner. It was nice to catch up with everyone. Michele Goldstein comes in tonight and I will catch up with her tomorrow.

I am always so amazed at the teachers who are willing to share their Celie, Susan, Anne, Kate. I have run into so many of the other kind. Usually the better the artist...the more willing they are to share. All those on my favorite teacher list are the best!!

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