Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesdsay Ramblings

I feel like I've been in a fog...since...well...for a long time.  I can't seem to get organized and moving.  I get one task done and 5 others crop up.  I get one room cleaned up and the others all go to hell.  HA...and it's not going to get better any time soon.

Next Tuesday I'm heading to Santa Fe for Beadfest.  My favorite town...having fun with my girlfriends...fantastic New Mexican food.  I won't get anything done or get more organized but I will recharge my batteries and laugh non-stop.  I thought about exhibiting but didn't really have enough pieces put together and I guess I didn't want to put myself through the stress of doing an out-of-state show that I can't drive to.

I am going to take two classes and I don't have to bring a single tool.  YAY!!  One is a photography class.  I don't think I can ever take too many photography classes.  Every little tip helps.  The other class is Art Glass Clay with Paula Radke.  I want to use it to make flat disc beads to go with the bronze.

I picked up a book this week.  Folk Designs from India.  The only unfortunate thing is that I had to find it from a used book vendor.  I found someone in Canada that had it.  It's full of line drawings of various folk designs.  Great as a jumping off point to make new texture plates.

I also found a new iPad app that I like....Zinio.  It's an on-line newstand.  You can buy on-line subscriptions or just single issues of various magazines.  They also have free articles from select magazines.  This is another great app to have when you are traveling and don't want to weight yourself down with magazines.  I'm getting the digital version of Art Jewelry this way.  I've also been able to find Marie Claire Idees which is a French craft magazine.  I picked up one a couple years ago when we were in Paris.  Finding it in the US wasn't easy.  Borders used to carry it but the issue would be at least 2 months old.  Now I can get it hot off the press...virtual press. I can't understand a word of it but the pictures are wonderful.  I need to get a really good french-english dictionary and work my way through it.  Maybe I could learn more French that way. 

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