Sunday, November 6, 2011

Off the Grid

I have really been off the grid lately.  I am exhibiting at the By Hand Show at the IX Center next weekend.  The show runs November 11-13th. 

This has been my schedule for the last 6 weeks.

Wake up
Get dressed
Feed the cats
Go to work
Come home
Feed the cats
Go into the studio and work, work, work

Occasionally I see Lou.  The other night he came into the studio and said he will be glad when this show is over.....he misses me....AAWWW!!  I miss normal life....but I have put together quite a few pieces.  100 earrings and about 90 necklaces....not that I will sell all this at the show....wouldn't that be nice.  But I have another show on December 17th and I will be re-stocking the Etsy shop once this weekend is over.

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. Busy Lady! Wow. Best of luck with the shows. Looking forward to seeing your new work.

