Friday, November 18, 2011

It's all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye....

I ended up in the emergency eye clinic this week.  I took a hit in the eye with the hook of a bungee cord while setting up for the show.  I was having some symptoms of a detached retina so I decided not to take any chances....and after many friends yelled at me....I went to the eye clinic. 

Interesting procedure to examine the retina....she had to put pressure on the eye and look at it under a bright light with a opthalmascope.  She took two long cotton tipped swabs and pushed on my eye from various sides....oh that was so much fun.  The good news is that she couldn't see any rips or tears.  The bad news is that I now have a large floater in that eye.  It's annoying but I guess I can get used to it.  Hopefully it will dissipate with time. 

And I found out I have a cataract in the other eye.  Woo Hoo...I'm getting old!!!!


  1. Oh my God. You poor thing. How awful. I hope the floater goes away and that you make a complete recovery.

    Do you have to wear a patch or anything?

    Eyes problems are so scary............

  2. Hi Roberta...luckily no eye patch!!

  3. My mom and sister both had floaters and I believe they were able to do laser surgery on them. I wonder if they might be able to do that for you? I do hope things get better for you. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! ;)

  4. The floater will go away. As for the cataract, if it's a slow grower like my right eye, it will be years before it will start to interfere with your vision. And cataract surgery is a snap: 20 minutes outpatient, that's it. Meanwhile, steer clear of bungee cords! ;-)

  5. Scary. So glad the exam brought you some good news about the retina.
