Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Reading...The Splendor of Ethnic Jewelry

It's no secret that I love ethnic jewelry and artifacts.  I have quite a few books that I've bought over the years and stuffed into my bookcase.  Well I've had this book for a while...a long while...and never really read it.  So I pulled it out to finally read it and drool over the pictures.  There are over 400 pictures in this book.  It showcases the collection of Colette and Jean Pierre Ghysels.  It's a beautiful collection and book.  I'd tell you to go to Amazon to buy one but it's out of print.  If you run across this book in a used book store....pick it up.  It's worth it.


  1. I have this one too. It's awesome. Another you might like is Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum Kabul. It's a new book (2008) and very inexpensive, but amazing.
