Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

My Dad.....

He married Mom before being sent to fight in World War II in Europe.  I asked her once how she was able to endure having Dad so far away fighting a war.  She said it's just what you did....what everyone did.

This is a picture of my Dad and me at my wedding.  I was 19.  No wonder my Mom freaked out....I was just a baby.  But I was determined to get married.  It lasted 10 years.  We divorced.  But I love this picture.  I remember him walking me down the aisle.  I think he was more nervous than I was.  It was September.  Dad was so tan compared to me.  He was a farmer and was outside all day long. 

He also worked a factory job at night so he could afford to send my brothers, sister and me to college. Who does that??? How many people do you know these days that work 2 jobs so they can give their kids a better life? 

He raised cattle.  He rode horses.  He was a pilot.  I never had a chance to tell him what a amazing, heroic man he was to me.  He did it all so quietly.  He was a quiet man....something I did not inherit from him...LOL. 

But I have his ears.  When I look in the mirror I see his ears and it makes me smile.  He may be gone from this earth but he is always in my heart.


  1. I'm certain that your Dad know how you feel and I'm also sure that he is proud of you.

  2. Such a lovely post and what an amasing man!

  3. We were dairy farmers Gail and like your dad mine worked another job too all his life. I am the last of 7 so we needed the extra money. Then when we became more solvent my dad used some of that money to buy "special" things for my mom! She had a dishwasher before anyone around us. Gotta love dads like ours

  4. Some Dads are very special. . .
    I can understand your Mum's response. My hubby is a soldier and in our current 'climate' not often home for long but I fell for him and now we have two beautiful boys. They miss Daddy when he goes away but when he's home it's all the more special and they really appreciate having the time with him. I just discovered your blog by clicking next blog after my last post. Nice to 'meet' you. :o)
