Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time for a Change

I'm giving up metal clay.......(pregnant pause)...... so that I can do some assembly.  Assembly is too much of a manufactuing term.  I love the word assemblage but that usually refers to 3D compositions with found objects. I suppose if you really stretched the definition it could be used...but until I find a better word...assembly will have to do.

And we all know that I couldn't give up metal clay.  Bronze is in my blood....and it's not just because I do a lot of sanding..LOL.  Don't tell the safety police. 

I've spent the past few months working my way through a couple of kilo's of BronzClay.  Here's a portion of what I have stockpiled.

HeHe....It's fun just to rummage through the pieces.  But now it's time to turn them into necklaces and earrings....and maybe some bracelets.  I have some many cool African beads to go with these pieces.  I can't wait to get started. 