Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More Colors....

Just a few pieces in this load but the colors are different from last night.  Check out the pink...

I was asked about my source of the carbon.  I am still using the same batch of coal based, acid washed carbon that I got from RioGrande over 2 years ago.  I don't know why I get the colors I do.  When I'm not using it, it sits in a plastic bowl on a shelf.  I don't even seal it.  So it's probably absorbing all the stuff in the air in my laundry room...which is off the back of my garage.  And I don't know if the colors have anything to do with the fact that I don't get around to taking it out of the kiln until after I get home from work... so it has had all day to cool down. 

It's a mystery!! 


  1. Those pinks are gorgeous!!! Love the new designs, too!

  2. Fabulous work and those colours are amazing. I feel like I'm back on the Celtic trail.
