Friday, March 18, 2011

Best compliment so far this year....."WOW"

I ran into one of the guys at work today.  He works on the dock and we have known each other for about 10 years now.  I know his wife and his kids used to take martial arts with Lou.  I see him maybe once a week.  This morning as I walked in he stopped to talk some business with me.

As I walked away I heard him ask..."What have you been doing?".  I turned around to see if he was talking to me...he was.  "Have you been taking martial arts?".  I realized he had noticed my weight loss.  I'm down 40 lbs. now.  I smiled...a really big smile...and told him I have been doing Weight Watchers.  He looked me up and down and said...."WOW" and then gave me the thumbs up. 

I have been smiling all day. 


  1. Good for you Gail! =| That was supposed to be an attempt at a thumbs up of my own. Failed miserably, but hopefully you'll accept the sentiment. ;D

  2. Fantastic, Gail!! We're gonna start calling you Skinny Minnie!! ;-)

  3. yay! Congrats, that's always a great feeling!
