Sunday, January 2, 2011

When is a washing machine just a washing machine....

I've found that the answer is NEVER.  Yesterday our washing machine burnt out.....Happy New Year!!  We knew it was going and had plans to get a new one but it beat us to it.  So I've been researching washers....when did they get so complicated.  I just want a simple, reliable washer. 

I don't want a front loader because of the complaints about mold.  I don't want something with so many options and buttons that it takes a PhD to figure it out.  I just want something that washes clothes for goodness sake.  When did washing machines become so complicated??


  1. I love my front loader! You just have to wipe the water away from the gasket when you finish a load!
    I love, love, love it!

  2. The front loaders don't have a mold problem if you use powdered HE detergent. Avoid the liquids and you should be fine.

  3. It's all gimmicks to charge more money! See if Cosco sell 'em. Or Lowe's, Home Depot, Sears or JC Penny and go look at them. Tell them you want the dummy version. LOL!

  4. I know what you mean! Have you looked at ovens? Those are scary.

  5. Hi Gail. I feel your pain..I went through the same last year and joined consumer report what made it more many options... I ended up buying a GE® ENERGY STAR® 4.1 IEC Cu. Ft. Colossal Capacity High-Efficiency Washer. It is great and not that expensive...holds tons of clothes, washes really well, and it is not a front loader (which are super hard to fix if you have to because of the computer system). Hope this helps. Congratulations on your weight loss...WW is great...I lost 25 many years ago and I always go back to it when I have to :)..I still have my start as inspiration. I hope you had a great 2011...

  6. I love my front loader too...and if quiet is a consideration, get a Maytag Neptune. You can hardly hear it!

  7. I love my front loader!! My water bill has decreased, I don't have to buy soap as often, it washes faster AND the clothes dry faster! If you leave the door open, no mold problem. I wouldn't ever have a top loader again!
