Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trip to Paradise!!!

Today a group of us went to Bead Paradise in Oberlin.  Oh that store is dangerous!!!  and wonderful!!!  We had a great time shopping and then went to Weia Teia for lunch.  We had such a great time.

 Katie looking over her stash

 And getting ready to lick her beads!!  They were lickable.

 Francine and Lauren


 Pat, Cathy and Katie

 Case of gemstones...Yum!!

 There's so many beads here.  You can loss you mind...and your wallet.

 Pat looking for beads.

 Cathy...check out that aura

 I spent hours looking in this case and the one below. 
Lots of treasures.

I'll post some pics of my stash tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was SUCH a great day!!! We'll have to go back in February when Ruth has her new finds from Africa out on the floor! Start saving NOW!! ;-)
