Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That

I finally got a look at the pics on Lou's camera from Santa Fe.  There is a nice one of the two of us on the square.  I would have been a great one except I had my eyes closed....like usual. 

I've been floundering lately. I don't know what to do.  It's not like I have nothing to do.  Quite the contrary.  I have a ton of things to do.  But I seem to sit in front of the TV (the first time suck) while surfing on the internet (the second time suck) night after night.  I don't know what I'm looking for or why I just sit here....I am getting a lot of quality time with the cats...LOL.  Three slugs in my oversized chair.  Maybe it's just winter.

I think I need to turn off the TV and step away from the computer....DUH... and schedule tasks at home like I do at work.  That's sounds so regimented for what is my "down" time but I guess I have to give it a try....otherwise nothing is going to get done around here.

On a rather ecstatic note.....I registered for Bead and Button today and got all the classes that I wanted. ...Bezel Setting with Joe Silvera and three Richard Salley classes.  Cris signed up for the same classes so it is going to be a great week!!!!   Class project pics are below.


That's at the beginning of June.  I found out tonight that Lou is being sent to a meeting in Paris at the end of June and I'm going!!!!  Some of the others are bringing spouses as well so I won't be the only one.....which is good and bad.  I would like nothing else than to run around Paris by myself doing whatever I want, lingering wherever I want.  I have no problem being along and at times revel in it.....oh who am I kidding...I revel in it most of the time.  But I know a lot of the people going, so it will be fun!!!  And maybe I can sneak some time alone on a winding street.


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