Sunday, December 5, 2010

This is my lap......

The cats make it really hard to get anything done this time of year.  It's cold out and they want to be next to either a warm body or the furnace registers.  I'm not the type to scoot them away.  I just try towork around them. 

I finally had a weekend that I had absolutely nothing to do and I ended up on the couch most of the time trying to get rid of a cold.  But that's not so bad...the on the couch part.  I curled up and watched movies and took naps with the cats.  They're so cuddly.

I have made a little progress on the Etsy site.  It's time consuming to take pics, clean them up, and post.  

But there are a few things up and there is LOTS more to come.  I guess I need to make it a goal to do a few a day until they are done. 


  1. Your pictures and your work are beautiful. Hopefully you get over your illness quickly. Just too much to do this time of year.

  2. looks like the kittehs are bored with whatever you are doing on the computer. :) hope you feel better soon (but isn't it nice to laze around on the couch and watch movies all day?).
