Friday, October 29, 2010

Beads and brass and bronze and bone.....

Oh My!!

Plugging away in the studio.  I'll break on Saturday to pull out all of my show supplies and figure out if I have everything I need to set up my booth.  Last year I was determined to make fabric side walls for my booth.  How could a year go by and I not get this done?  So the tent walls will go back up this year.  I'm going to look at getting sheers to hang up over them to give the booth a softer look....then maybe in 2011 I will find the time to make the fabric side walls....Yeah...Right. 

Then it will be back to production.  Why do I never think I have enough jewelry for a show?  There is always that little voice saying....make more...make more. 


  1. Your photo made me drool! Awesome work + awesome beads. . .composition of jewelry/photo = yummy!

  2. That little voice in yapping a mile a minute in my head, too! (My show is Sat Nov 6). At some point you just have to say whatever I've got is what I've got and give yourself a break. Hope you sell out of everything at the show!!

  3. Thanks Carol!! Good Luck at your show Katie.
