Thursday, August 19, 2010

Going to School.....kinda

So I'm going to take a class this fall with......Brandon Holschuh!!!!   5 weeks starting in September...every Tuesday...for 2.5 hours.  He lives in the Cleveland area.  I first saw his work a few years ago and instantly loved his style.  Then I was thrilled to see he wrote a book.  Now I'm going to take his class...woo hoo!!!

The Jeweler's Studio Handbook: Traditional and Contemporary Techniques for Working with Metal and Mixed Media Materials

Some of the girls from the PMC guild are also taking the class.  This should be fun!!!!


  1. I have this book and I really love it !
    Have fun in the class !

  2. oooo, I was thinking of taking that class too! also want to take Photoshop Elements and Cathy's Viking Knit. I'd better sign up before it's closed!
