Sunday, August 8, 2010

Don't tell Lou....I'm in love with Jerome Mesnager

l'homme blanc

Street art is big in Paris.  You will be walking down the street and look up at the side of a building and see it....look at the side of a van and see it....much of it goes way beyond graffiti.

The last time we were in Paris I took this picture in the Marais district.I didn't know who the artist was and I assumed these were stencils....but they aren't.  They are painted by hand by Jerome Mesnager.  I find it fascinating to watch him do these. 

There is a great video montage of his work on his website.  It's worth checking out.



  1. Love to, but it's a little out of my way. SLOW DOWN. Your jewelry is beautiful!

  2. Hi Mary. THANKS!! and I am slowing my driving down.
