Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Big Bowl - 2010

I haven't blogged much lately.  I guess I haven't had much to say or show.  I've been busy at work with 2011 operating budgets.  Creatively I am just contemplating what I want to do next.

Last night we went bowling with the family.  I haven't bowled in 20 years.  Needless to say I threw my share of gutter balls.

Dave (my brother) and Lou discussing the finer points of bowling....Dave: "Dude,you know you better let my litte sister win or she'll be pissed".......Lou: "I know...she'll be impossible to live with if she doesn't think she beat me."

Lou...such style and concentration
Mom....scratching off lottery tickets!!!  No winner last night.
Dave...the Lefty
Gotta love my blue suede bowling shoes
Mom and my brother Ed...flash a little too bright bro??
The Gang....that's Kathy, my sister-in-law, sitting in-between Mom and Dave
Mom and Sherri (Ed's girlfriend)
We had fun!!  And who won between Lou and I???  I won the first game, he won the second.....and we tied on the third... :))  Pefect Ending!!!

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