Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cinco de Mayo minus one (is that Quatro de Mayo?)

Today has been one of those days that I needed a padded office because most of the day I felt like I was banging my head against the wall. 

I've been trying to collect $200,000 in back charges from a local University...for a year.  Problem is...they spent the money that they gave us a contract for and now they have to figure out how to pay us.  Shouldn't have spent the money guys!!!

I have a new liason in one of the offices I have to work with...alot.  So like it or now I am indirectly training this person.  Today I wanted to scream.  Generically, it went a little like this

Gail: Keep you eye on the ball
Person: Oh look, a birdy!!
Gail: Keep your eye on the ball
Person: Oh look, a flower!!
Gail: Keep your eye on the ball
Person: Oh look, a birdy!!
Gail: (muffled noise in the background) Bang, Bang, Bang (that was my head beating up against the wall.)

I actually have a sign in my office with a target that says..."Bang Head Here".

So Lou and I are off to one of our favorite restaurants tonight...Farenheit.  For Cinco de Mayo minus one.  Rocco is making tacos and they are serving Coronas and Margaritas!!! 

I can feel myself decompressing already.


  1. Too funny Gail!
    Oooh, look, a bead!

  2. Love Chef Rocco - hope you enjoyed and went out and did it again today!
