Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun...'s been a busy couple of weeks.  Anne Mitchell was in town last weekend to teach fusing to the PMC guild. We had a great time and everyone did really well.  And after three times, I finally got the hang of fusing.  I was slow at picking up this technique....but I really have it this time.  I finished off a necklace tonight that I started in class. 

Monday, Lou and I went to the Cavs game and watched them finsh off Chicago.  Now it's on to Boston.  We got the tickets from one of the docs at work and they were great....8 rows from the floor.  It doesn't get any better than that....well...I suppose front row would be better :)

Last night we went out to dinner to Gene and Barbara.  Gene is Lou's golf buddy.  They are such nice people, it's always a pleasure to go out with them.  We ate at Nemo Grille in Avon.  Great food.  We will definetely go back.

Tonight was my first chance to really relax.  I finally got up into the studio, which is an absolute wreck.  Anne can attest to that.  I cleaned it up a little bit tonight and spent the rest of the time fusing.  I told Lou I refuse to do anything for two inner recluse has to recover.  I want to spend the weekend in the studio.  He has tickets to the Cavs game on Saturday and I said I would go if he couldn't find anyone he's going with Gene....YEAH....I can stay home and work in clay.

I had a physical last week.  I'm healthy as a horse except for a Vitamin D deficiancy...again...still.  The doc asked me if I had been taking supplements....No.  So she had another level done just to prove to me that I have a problem.  Normal is suppose to be around 40 and I am at 5....oops.  She said that I am so low that I should feel a major difference by taking supplements she also pointed out all the problems that I could have due to the deficiency...heart disease, cancer...OK, OK...I've heard enough.  I got my Vitamin D and will be taking a mega dose each day for 8 weeks.  Then I can cut it back a bit.  I'll am curious to see if I feel a difference. 

That's about it for now.  I feel bad I don't have any exciting pictures to post.  I'll work on that over the weekend. 

Have a good one!!!

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