Sunday, April 11, 2010

Enough with the sickness...

Lou is back from Korea...and he's sick. I spent the last two weekends sick and now he is sick. I know that I didn't give it to him since he was away for 10 days. What's worse than being sick is watching someone be sick and know that there is nothing you can do...they just have to tough it out.

Went home to visit Mom today. Did her laundry and a quick clean up of the house. It's amazing how well she is doing after her knee replacement. I had her going up and down the stairs to the basement today. She is determined to do her own laundry. She mowed the lawn this weekend too (riding lawn mower). My cousin, Sally, was there when I arrivied. I got to visit with her for a while. Haven't seen her in 3-4 years.

I got a little metal work done this weekend. I need to spend a couple more hours in the studio before I can get something into the kiln. I'm reading "Making the Most of your Flex-Shaft"...It's a page turner. I need to learn how to use if for other things besides drilling.

I have an advance copy of another book....I have two pictures in this one. I will do a book review for you later today. Have to go make dinner.

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