Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home....

We had sooo much fun in Santa Fe but it is good to be home. Missed Lou, missed the cats. Here are some pics...stories later...maybe :)

The weather went from warm and sunny on Thursday to snowy over the weekend. But Santa Fe is beautiful in the snow.

A great big bronze bear scuplture all nestled in snow.

A lone snow covered bench on the way to the convention center

Giant black swans covered in snow.

After walking in the snow...there's nothing better than a plate of spicy hot New Mexican food.

And the major reason for going to Santa Fe was to spend time with friends. Cris and Karen at their artisan tables.

It was a weekend of good food, good shopping (pics later), a fun class, and great friends. We spent a few nights in front of the fireplace at La Fonda just talking and laughing.

Stacy, Karen and Cris....I miss you already!!

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