Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ring a Ding Ding

Earrings!!! Yum...some great colors on these. Every woman and handsome pirate needs a good pair of earrings.


  1. Pair number 3 has my name on them. All are lovely

  2. Nice pictures! Out of curiosity, what does your photo set up look like (ie do you have a lightbox, tungsten blubs, etc..)? I'm trying to set up a better one for indoor photos, and would love some advice.

  3. Hi Kira, I use a soft box photo tent. You can find them on eBay. The lights are daylight flourescents that I screw into metal reflector dishes. I have three of those and shine them down on the light tent. The black background is a very small shelf I found at Target. Hope this helps

  4. Awesome! Thanks for the insight.

  5. Gail these do "pop" nice work, nice photos! Love Target... ;-)
