Saturday, January 30, 2010

Making Texture Sheets

I've been playing with pictures using the kaleidoscope feature. I took a picture of an ancient stained glass window in Paris

And turned it into this....

You can pick out the rider's face but I plan to cut my pieces insdie of him. The inside looks very tribal to me. It even looks like there's a lions head there. That's why the kaleidoscope feature is so much fun.


  1. Gail,
    first hi.. I am a lampworker and metal clay artist and found your blog a few months ago. GREAT work. Anyway I LOVE this idea. For several years I used kaleidoscope pictures of my lampworked beads as buttons on my website. I never thought about transferring these images to texture, but WOW I love the possibilities. Right now I use Photoshop Elements 6. What are you using to make your images? I was toying witht the idea to upgrade to the full CS3 version of photoshop but can't make up my mind.

  2. Hi Louise, I just bought Photoshop Elements 8...but prior to that I was using Elements 4 and was able to do kaleidoscopes. You can get a plug-in at for kaleidoscopes But will spend hours playing :))

  3. What a great idea, Gail. I'm having a texture party at my studio in March and I'll be sure to direct everyone to your blog on creating a texture this way.

    And Louise, a Photoshop rep who was teaching a workshop told us that for the most part you can do the same things with Elements that you can do with Photoshop. The more expensive Photoshop is created for those people who work in the industry. Save your money.

    Also, Gail....... love your blog. I'm a follower.

  4. Hi Alice, I agree that Photoshop Elements can do everything that we need and more. Thanks for reading the blog. Have you checked out Scribbler
    You make your own drawings and the program then...for lack of a better description...spiderwebs your drawing. You have to check it out. It's fun
