Sunday, December 13, 2009

Paris Shopping

Paris has some amazing shopping....clothes, shoes, purses, kitchenware, antiques.....on and on. There are little boutiques everywhere and some beautiful large stores. Window shopping is just as fun as actually buying something. The widnows are beautiful...check it out.

The Christmas windows at the major stores are amazing. We tried to see them on Saturday but the crowds were horrible. I've never been in that much of a crush of people. You could barely move. We left and went back during the week. The horse in this window is all needlepoint and the gown was beaded.

There were also some whimsical windows

You have to really look at this window. Unfortunately there is so much reflection from the street. This is a champagne fountain with drunken bunnies. Some of the bunnies were bathing in it...some are face down in it. It was funny. You would never see this in the PC US store windows.

Inside the stores were just a beautiful. This is the Galleries Lafayette. It looks like an opera house inside.

These Russian dolls were huge. I stuck Lou in the picture to give it some scale.

Another needlepoint horse.


  1. Those tapestry horses are amazing! My sister (who lived in Paris and visits frequently) said the big stores compete with one another with their windows. Just gorgeous!

  2. Chris,
    Just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed your trip - the pictures are wonderful! The French attention to detail is the finest.
    Paris/France is my favorite place in the world....why can't it be in the US and we could live there everyday??!!
    PS - don't forget to show us your new bag...
