Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh My Aching Feet!!!!

On Friday we walked about 5 miles. My calves, shins and feet hurt. But it's worth it when you come up out of the Metro to see things like this. These are shots from the Champs Elysees. All the trees were lite up in blue lights. The circle at the far end of the picture is a large farris wheel at the Place de la Concorde.

Being Friday night, all the musicians are out. Since it was rainy and cold they were down in the Metro. As we were coming home we came upon a guy with a guitar singing the Beatle's "Let it Be". There was a large crowd gathered and eveyone was signing with him. For me, life is about the small moments. This was one of those. All these strangers had stopped rushing around ....just for a moment.... to sing.


  1. Oh, Gail... it all sounds so magical! What a wonderful anniversary you two are having!

  2. Beautiful pictures!! Can't wait to see the rest at Christmas.
