Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Like a Stuck Record....

I'm stuck on making tear aways. I played around with pictures I took in Paris and I've been making tear aways for about a week. Sometimes I get stuck...I make something and then get lost in making different sizes and variations. Put down the pasta machine and walk away!!!!

I'm anxious to work with them. Here are two that I really want to see put to metal. The first was from a picture of a stained glass window in the Musee National du Moyen Age....Middle Ages museum. It's a little grainy but I'm hoping that adds to the piece.

The next is from a stone tablet in the Louvre. Same issue with it being grainy.

We'll have to see if they translate to metal. Sometimes something that looks good on paper doesn't easily make a good tear away or translate to metal well.

I'm going to do some work with these this weekend. I'm hoping to take Friday off as well as Monday. If that happens I should be able to get some concentrated time in the studio. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to be at work on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. After 11 hours at work yesterday, you should be able to take Friday as a comp day!
    I like the stained glass window tear-away and think that will look great in mc. Can't wait to see what you do with 'em!
