Sunday, September 27, 2009

Countdown to Paris...

64 days to go. The apartment is booked. I can't wait to see this place. It has beams going through the living room and a ton of windows. It's up on the 5th floor so it overlooks the rooftops. At night you can see Notre Dame off in the distance.

We booked the flights tonight. Lou travels so much that he had enough frequent flyer miles for both of us to get free tickets. Woo-Hoo!!!


  1. How fabulous! Have a great time! I want to go there some day too.

  2. Ooh, fantastique! I hope zee weather is good to you! You are a lucky dog, oui? ;-)

  3. Looks amazing! How did you find this beautiful place?

  4. Susan..a company called Haven in Paris. They are the same agency we used last year. Very reliable and they have beautiful apartments.
