Monday, July 6, 2009

What's wrong with this picture.....

When you surgeon botches your boob might want to rethink wearing clothing that shows every little goose bump.

My old tent is on the tree lawn for garbage day. I would never recommend buying an EZup. It lasted for a total of 4 shows. I would have been further ahead buying a Trimline from the start. I kept the sidewalls and I have an extra canopy still in the bag. When I first bought it last year they sent the tent without the canopy. I called to let them know and they shipped me a new one. That one arrived and the original arrived. I just never got around to sending it back. Maybe I'll sell it on eBay and recoup some of my loses.

1 comment:

  1. hey Gail, let's talk... I have an EZ up I used for almost 10 years... but the canopy is a but worn (white duct tape patches ;-) so I'd be interested (if it will fit) - guess they made them better back then...
