Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Fun and a Flying Pig

Lou and I went to the Avon Summer Market. It was held in a park on Lake Erie with a mix of artists and antiques. It was fun. The weather was a little iffy. It stormed earlier in the day. You can see the clouds building up over the lake.

We stopped in to see Lori in her booth. She has some great jewelry. Check out her website. There was an artist from Cincinnati....Greg's Antiques and Garden... that had garden sculptures and trellis' made from iron. We picked up three sections of decorative fence for the back yard and a garden ornament. I also brought home Sebastian the Flying Pig. I couldn't resist. Right now he is sitting on my dining room table. Proud as can be.

Next we stopped at Las Cazuelas in Avon Lake for tamales. Then to Borders. I picked up David Lebovitz's new book....The Sweet Life in Paris. It's a cook book of sorts which is funny because I don't really cook. He is a pastry chef. It has stories of his life in Paris and recipies. He has a great blog if you like to cook....lots of recipies.

I'm doing a little bit of bronze this afternoon. It was so hot upstairs I had to take a break while the clay dries....which should be quick. Now I'm back to it.


  1. LOL! Sebatian is great, I love him! Where do you plan on placing him?

  2. Sebastian is adorable! What do the kitties think of him? Have they checked him out yet?
