Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Guild Meeting

At our guild meeting a couple of weeks ago we played with tear aways. Here are some pictures...

Here I am playing with the polymer clay while Cathy steals something off the desk :))

OHHH...I have no idea what I am doing here. Don't you just hate pictures of yourself. I do.

The end product....a good tear away. I'm so happy!!!

Heidi hard at work....

Jen and I posing for the camera.

What a great group of people to be associated with!!!


  1. Hey, my group just did tear-aways, too! Wish I'd gotten some photos, but then I also hate pics of me.

  2. Dang, busted... I was stealing the sign-up sheet for the October workshop... or did you want to keep track of it? ;-)

    Awesome tear away demo Gail!

  3. Good demo, great fun! Can't wait for your next one!! ;-)
